Thursday 8 February 2018

Planets of the Apes Re-Booted: meet the new site (same as the old site)

Planets of the Apes Re-Booted

– meet the new site (same as the old site) –

By Source, Fair use, Link
So, how does one mark an occasion like the 50th anniversary of Planet of the Apes?

We are talking here about the motion picture format, of course. The original concept is a few years older and for that, we are forever indebted to French novelist, Pierre Boulle (1912-1994). Still, it was a shrewd move on the part of Hollywood executives not to call it Monkey Planet! That would never have caught on – or would it?

50 years is not all that long a period of time when you think about it. Some might even say that life begins at fifty. Others might say that such people are perpetual optimists or even, hopefully delusional! Nevertheless, it has been proven (in quite recent times too) that it is possible to successfully re-invent a classic – even breathe new life into it – as long as one does so by remaining true to the original intent, without necessarily being in thrall to it.

For ourselves – custodians of website dedicated to exploring the worlds of Planet of the Apes, from its original incarnation through all of the re-inventions and re-interpretations that have followed – the best way that we can mark this auspicious milestone is with a re-boot of our own. Thus, we present to you (our readers), our new website, which, to all intents and purposes, is much the same as our old website except that, the old one was falling apart – a veritable madhouse, a madhouse, we tell ya but let's not get into all that.

We hope that you enjoy the new incarnation, for however long it remains and that you will visit regularly. There is no telling what the future may hold but, we do look forward to bringing you regularly updated content, about all matters pertaining to the cultural icon that has teased, provoked and delighted people for more than half a century.

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